Here’s your weekly update on team standings for LA sports that are going on this week, as of 1/21. Season is over for LA for football. First off-
🟣Lakers are 2-2 since our last standings update last week. They remain in 6th place.
🔵Clippers have gone 4-1 since our last update. They move up to 5th place and have won 4 of their last 5.
🔵Rams lost to the Philadelphia Eagles in the divisional round and their season is over.
🟡Chargers lost to the Houston Texans in the Wild Card Round and also eliminated from the playoffs. No more standing update for Chargers and Rams until next season.
⚪️LA Kings have gone 1-3-0 since our last standings update and remain in 3rd in the Pacific. They’ve lost 4 of their last 5. Not good.
⚫️The Anaheim Ducks have gone 0-2-1 since our last standings update. They fall to 7th in the Pacific. They’ve lost 6 of their last 7 games.
⚪️Follow us for more Los Angeles sports team standing updates!
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