Here’s your weekly update on team standings for LA sports that are going on this week, 10/29-11/4. Basketball is back. First off-
🟣Lakers are off to a bit of a slow start but I wouldn’t worry about it too much. Their first 3 games they faced really tough teams. They’ve got 78 games to go so it’s too early to say how they’ll be this season.
🔵The Clippers are off to a decent start, however, they should be 3-0. Their 1 loss came to Utah, who isn’t expected to be a contending team. They’ve got James Harden now so curious to see how they do.
🟡Chargers won this week which pushed them up to 2nd in the AFC West with a Raiders loss. Chiefs lost too so this gets them a tiny bit closer to first. They’re still low in standings so they need to keep up the winning and time is slowly running out. They’re at a 39% chance to make playoffs currently.
⚪️Rams lost big to the Cowboys. Things aren’t looking too good now. Their chances of making the playoffs are now 14%.
⚪️LA Kings are looking better. They went 2-0-1 since my last standings update last week. 1st in the Pacific is going to be tough the way Vegas is playing but the Kings are looking good.
⚫️Anaheim Ducks have been absolutely killing it. They’re 4-0 since my last standings update and they’re doing this on the road against good teams. If they can keep this up, they can surely be a playoff team.
⚪️Follow me for more Los Angeles sports team standing updates!
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